“Judicialization of International Relations.” With Karen Alter and Laurence Helfer. International Studies Quarterly, 2019.
"The Behavioral Revolution and International Relations." With Steph Haggard, David Lake and David Victor. International Organization, 2017, Special Issue: S1-S31.
“International Organizations Count: What Statistics Tell Us About IOs.” With Jana von Stein and Erik Gartzke, Journal of Conflict Resolution, April 2008, 52(2), pp. 175-188.
“Preventing Human Rights Abuse.” With James Ron. Journal of Peace Research, Hafner-Burton and Ron, eds., 2007, 44(4), pp. 379-383.
Peer Reviewed Books
"Making Human Rights a Reality." Princeton University Press, 2013. Recipient of the International Studies Association Best Book Award, 2015.
"Forced to be Good: Why Trade Agreements Boost Human Rights." Cornell University Press, 2009.
Peer Reviewed Articles"Elite Decisionmaking and International Law: Promises and Perils of the Behavioral Revolution.” American Journal of International Law Unbound
“Catch Me if you Care: International Development Organizations and National Corruption.” With Lauren E. Lee and Christina J. Schneider
“The Dark Side of Cooperation. International Organization and Member Corruption.” With Christina Schneider. International Studies Quarterly. 2019, 63(4): 1108–1121.
“Donor Rules or Donors Rule? International Organizations and Political Corruption.” With Christina Schneider. American Journal of International Law. Symposium on New Directions in Anticorruption Law. 2019, 113: 346-350
“The Company You Keep. International Organizations and the Reputational Effect of Membership.” With Christina Schneider. American Journal of International Law Unbound. 2019, 113: 242-246.
"Introduction: What Is Populist Nationalism and Why Does it Matter?" With Neil Narang and Brian Rathbun. The Journal of Politics, 2019, 81(2).
"America’s Global Human Rights Policy: the Corporate Lobby." With Heidi MacNamara. Human Rights Quarterly, forthcoming February 2019.
"Protecting Workers Abroad and Industries at Home: Rights-based Conditionality in Trade Preference Programs." With Layna Mosley and Robert Galantucci. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2018.
"Against Secrecy. The Social Cost of Secrecy in International Adjudication." With Sergio Puig and David G. Victor. Yale Journal of International Law, 2017, Vol. 42-2: 279-343.
"No False Promises: How the Prospect of Non-Compliance Affects Elite Preferences for International Cooperation." With Brad L. LeVeck and David G. Victor. International Studies Quarterly, 2017, 61: 136–149.
"Surviving Elections: Election Violence, Incumbent Victory and Post-Election Repercussions." With Susan Hyde and Ryan Jablonski. British Journal of Political Science, first view 2016: 1-30.
“Predictability Versus Flexibility: Secrecy in International Investment Arbitration.” With Zachary C. Steinert-Threlkeld and David G.Victor. World Politics, 2016, 68(3): 413-453.
“Secrecy in International Investment Arbitration: An Empirical Analysis.” With David G. Victor. Journal of International Dispute Settlement, 2016, 7(1): 161-182.
“How Activists Perceive the Utility of International Law.” With Brad L. LeVeck and David G. Victor. Journal of Politics, 2016, 78(1): 167–180.
“A Behavioral Approach to International Cooperation.” With Brad L. LeVeck, David G. Victor and James H. Fowler. International Organization, 2015, 53 (4): 699-732.
“Sovereignty Costs, Human Rights Institutions, and Democratization.” With Ed Mansfield and Jon Pevehouse. British Journal of Political Science, 2015, 45(1): 1-27.
“The Role of Self-Interest in Elite Bargaining.” With Brad L. LeVeck, D. Alex Hughes, James H. Fowler and David G. Victor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2014, 111(52)
"A Social Science of Human Rights.” Journal of Peace Research, 2014, 51(2), pp. 273–286.
"When Do Governments Resort to Election Violence?” With Susan Hyde and Ryan Jablonski. British Journal of Political Science, 2014, 44(1), pp.149-179.
“The Cognitive Revolution and the Political Psychology of Elite Decision Making.” With D. Alex Hughes and David G. Victor. Perspectives on Politics, 2013, 11(2), pp. 368-386.
“The Latin Bias: Regions, the Anglo-American Media and Human Rights, 1981-2000.” With James Ron. International Studies Quarterly, 2013, 57(3), pp. 474-491. (Related: “What region gets the most coverage of its human rights abuses? Columbia Journalism Review, January 30th, 2013; ¿Por qué los medios de comunicación angloamericanos estuvieron tan interesados en las violaciones a los derechos humanos en latinoamérica? Foreign Affairs Latino América)
“International Human Rights Regimes.” Annual Review of Political Science, 2012, 15, pp. 265-286.
“International Relations for International Law.” With David G. Victor and Yanatan Lupu, American Journal of International Law, 2012, 106(1).
“War, Trade, and Distrust: Why Trade Agreements Don’t Always Keep the Peace.” With Alexander H. Montgomery. Conflict Management and Peace Science, 2012, 29(3).
“Emergency and Escape: Explaining Derogations from Human Rights Treaties.” With Laurence Helfer and Chris Farris. International Organization, 2011, 65(4), pp. 673-707.
“Mainstreaming International Governance: The Environment, Gender, and IO Performance in the European Union.” With Mark A. Pollack. Review of International Organization, 2010, 5, pp. 285-313.
“Tortured Relations: Human Rights Abuses and Counterterrorism Cooperation.” With Jacob Shapiro. PS: Political Science and Policy, 2010, 43, pp. 415-419.
“Seeing Double: Human Rights Impact Through Qualitative and Quantitative Eyes?” With James Ron. World Politics, 2009, 61(2), pp. 360-401.
“Network Analysis For International Relations.” With Miles Kahler and Alexander H. Montgomery. International Organization, Spring 2009, 63, pp. 559-92.
“Sticks and Stones: Naming and Shaming the Human Rights Enforcement Problem" International Organization, October 2008, 62, pp. 689-716.
“The Power Politics of Regime Complexity: Human Rights Conditionality in Europe.” Perspectives on Politics, March 2009, 7(1), pp. 33-38.
“Mainstreaming Gender in the European Union: Getting the Incentives Right.” With Mark A. Pollack. Comparative European Politics, April 2009, 7, pp. 114-138.
“Globalization and the Power Politics of International Economic Networks.” With Alexander H. Montgomery, in Networked Politics: Agency, Power, and Government. Miles Kahler, ed., Cornell University Press 2009.
“Power or Plenty: Do International Trade Organizations Shape Economic Sanctions?” With Alexander H. Montgomery. Journal of Conflict Resolution, April 2008, 52(2), pp. 213-242.
“The Hegemon’s Purse: No Economic Peace Between Democracies.” With Alexander H. Montgomery. Journal of Peace Research, 2008, 45(1), pp. 111-120.
“International Human Rights Law and the Politics of Legitimacy: Repressive States and Human Rights Treaties.” With Kiyoteru Tsutsui and John Meyer. International Sociology, 2008, 23(1), pp. 115-141.
“Justice Lost! The Failure of International Human Rights Law to Matter Where Needed Most.” With Kiyoteru Tsutsui. Journal of Peace Research, 2007, 44(4), pp. 407-425.
Power Positions: International Organizations, Social Networks, and Conflict.” With Alexander Montgomery. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2006, 50(1), pp. 3-27.
“Trading Human Rights: How Preferential Trade Agreements Influence Government Repression.” International Organization, 2005, 59(3), pp. 593-629.
“Human Rights Practices in a Globalizing World: The Paradox of Empty Promises.” With Kiyo Tsutsui. American Journal of Sociology, 2005, 110(5), pp. 1373-1411.
“Right or Robust? The Sensitive Nature of Political Repression in an era of Globalization.” Journal of Peace Research, 2005, 42(6), pp.679-698.
“Gender in Global Governance: Mainstreaming Gender in Four International Organizations.” With Mark A. Pollack. Feminist Legal Studies, 2003,10(3), pp. 285-298.
“Mainstreaming Gender in Global Governance.” With Mark A. Pollack. European Journal of International Relations, September 2002, 8(3), pp. 339-373.
"Mainstreaming Gender in European Union Policymaking.” With Mark A. Pollack. Journal of European Public Policy, special issue on "Women, Power and Public Policy," September 2000, 7(1), pp. 432-456.
Selected Book Reviews
“Evidence for Hope: Making Human Rights Work in the 21st Century.” By Kathryn Sikkink. Perspectives on Politics, 2019
“The Chessboard and the Web: Strategies of Connection in a Networked World.” Anne-Marie Slaughter. Political Science Quarterly, 133(1), 2018. .
“Interdisciplinary Perspectives on International Law and International Relations: The State of the Art.” Jeffrey L. Dunoff and Mark A. Pollack, eds. American Journal of International Law, 2014.
"Mobilizing for Human Rights: International Law in Domestic Politics." Beth A. Simmons, 2009. American Journal of International Law, 2010.
"Conflict and Compliance: State Responses to International Human Rights Pressure." Sonia Cardenas, 2007. Perspectives on Politics, December 2007.
"Backwaters of Global Prosperity: How Forces of Globalization and GATT/WTO Trade Regimes Contribute to the Marginalization of the Worlds Poorest Nations." Caf Dowlah, 2004.International Studies Review, 2005, , 7(3), pp. 441-444.
"Coping with Globalization: cross-national patterns in domestic governance and policy performance." Chan, Steve & James R. Scarritt, 2002. Book note Journal of Peace Research, 2004,vol. 42, no. 6